
Recipe for a Healthy Carb-Craving

A carb-craving doesn’t always hit me out of the blue. Sometimes, I can make like a meteorologist and predict them in advance.  It probably has something to do with the fact that I eat very little of them – refined carbs, that is.  Even the clean, gluten-free varieties such as corn, potatoes, rice, etc. I’ve given to limiting.  I’m nearing both the end of my weight-release phase and the age of 50, and it’s just the reality of the situation:  If I want to keep the weight off, I can’t really load up on them…unless I train for another marathon…which I will be doing within the next year (or two).

Not eating carbs in abundance means sometimes I go a few days without them.  With regularity, I lavish myself with protein and vegetables, as well as healthy fats, but there comes a point when my body kind of nudges me and says something like  “Hey, remember carbs? Look into it!”

One of my all-time creamy comfort foods of the clean variety remains and always will be hot cereal.  It puzzles me when people say it’s dull.  You’ve got to follow a few basic rules, like sweetening it just enough, splashing a little vanilla into the mix, and adding a little cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice now and then. The version I made this morning has no spices added, but feel free to go for it. I always kick it up a notch nutritionally by adding healthy fat (coconut or flax oil), some extra fiber (ground chia seeds or ground flax seeds), and a superfood or two (maca powder, walnuts, shredded unsweetened coconut).

A bowl of this amazing cereal not only warms my body and soul, it keeps me in high gear for hours – minus the sugar crash, inflammation, and weight gain.  Is that a deal or what?


Hot Cereal


1/3 cup of uncooked hot cereal (gluten-free steel cut oats, oatmeal, oat bran, brown rice cream, etc.)

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond or coconut milk

2 TBS. ground flax seed

2 TBS. shredded unsweetened coconut

1 tsp. vanilla

pinch of salt

1 TBS. coconut or flax oil

1 tsp. Maca

1 oz. walnuts or slivered almonds (optional)

6 drops of Stevia or a tablespoon of agave or honey


Combine first six ingredients in a medium sized saucepan and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. When cereal starts to bubble, stir or whisk constantly until it thickens.  If it bubbles beyond a simmer, lower the heat.  When cereal mixture becomes thicker, but not solid, turn off the heat and add the oil, Maca, nuts, and Stevia, and mix thoroughly.  Cover and let cereal sit for five minutes. Serve immediately.


You'll need a few clean and basic ingredients

You’ll need a few clean and basic ingredients


Creamy Comfort

Creamy Comfort



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